You can't have a new kitchen for free unfortunately unless you know the right people or win big on a game-show. Free kitchen design however is very much available and comes in a variety of forms. The most important method behind getting the finished kitchen you want won't cost you anything at all. It just involves you taking control of your design from the very start and not letting go until you're sitting happily in your new kitchen. Before you start drawing up plans and working on your design, you need to make some key decisions. Measure up your space and think about what you can realistically achieve. What is the most important part of the kitchen to you? What do you use your kitchen for the most? By answering these questions you'll being to formulate ideas about what you really need and what you can do without. At this stage, you've started the process of redesigning your kitchen for free. The next stage is turning your ideas into a tangible design which again, won't cost you anything. Start off with some simple sketches on paper. When you've come up with something you like, use the internet to download a kitchen planner. There are some excellent ones available for free from a number of places and they can really open your eyes to the different design possibilities. Play around with this software for a few hours and see what you can create.
Once your free kitchen design ideas have been put together in a visual image, you're ready to start looking around showrooms and talking to professionals. Show them your design, talk about the thought processes you've gone through and ask them what they can do to help you. Most kitchen design companies offer free consultations meaning you get more expert advice for nothing. Make sure you drive the cost of your new kitchen down wherever possible, by getting multiple quotes and seeing who can give you the best price. By doing this, when the time comes to actually pay out some money, you'll be pleasantly surprised about how little everything costs. Added to the savings you've already made by designing your kitchen yourself, you'll stand to get a top class kitchen for rock bottom price.
tags: Kitchen Model Design Kitchen Cabinets New Cabinets Trends in Kitchens Kitchen Canisters Cabinet Paint Fitted Kitchen Planner Kitchen Renovation Kitchen Worktop Kitchen Backsplash Italian Kitchen Units Custom Kitchen Small Kitchen